
The Future is Mobile: How to Integrate Mobile Channels into Your Web Content Management Strategy

Mobile changes the game. It makes speed to market a fundamental requirement for all digital marketers. In this webinar, attendees will learn the best practices around applying different use cases to mobile strategy, designing for mobile and desktop experience, and leveraging content across multiple channels.


Webinar: The ROI of Content Marketing

Content Marketing can be the driving force behind the success of an online marketing strategy. In this webinar, attendees will learn best practices around device and location specific content strategies, multi-channel integrated approach to content marketing, personalization, targeting, and content analytics.


Website Personalization Webinar Slides

Using technology to dynamically adjust content is the key to visitor engagement and conversion. Personalization can be a very powerful tool if done properly. Watch this webinar to learn about the types of data available for personalization, how to use implicit data to deliver unique content, and best practices in applying personalization to a website experience.


Improve Your Website Performance with Localized Content

Localization involves much more than translating copy into a local language. Digital marketers understand that Localization is a broader and much more strategic topic. It includes modifying images, offers, products, and other content so it is culturally relevant to your target audience. You can localize for a specific region, country, language or even a city. Localization can be a very powerful tool if you know how to use it properly. Learn how in these slides from CrownPeak CEO, Jim Howard.


You and Your Agency Webinar Slides

You and Your Agency: Move Fast, and Rock Your Digital Campaigns Using Agile Marketing Tactics with Your Agency. Digital has sped everything up. Now, you need to adjust everything, from planning to approach, from responsibilities to expectations, from the tools you use, to the agencies you work with. Learn how to improve the speed of thinking, create clearer understanding between you and your agency, encourage action among the team, jointly develop projects, end turf wars and more.


Jim Howard JUMP Slides

Slides from Jim Howard's presentation on content marketing at JUMP New York City, January 30, 2013.


Using Mobile Optimized Content to Improve the Digital Experience

2013 can be the year you make your mobile strategy a reality. Most companies are very new to mobile and don't really know what they need. If this sound like you and your company, then join us for a discussion about how you can make small changes and get big results for your mobile optimized website. It doesn't take a lot of resources or budget to begin to deliver a better experience for your mobile visitors.
