Case Studies

Combined Insurance

The Combined Insurance team's mission was to create and implement a new strategy that would centralize all Web operations, including web content management, hosting and content optimization for all international offices.


Heifer International

Heifer International, a world-renowned charity, needed an intranet to manage and share documents and digital assets, maintain a corporate directory, and share content across its worldwide organization. CrownPeak provided a complete intranet framework and content management system--including a custom design--in three weeks.



As one of the top web design and technology firms in Los Angeles, Imagistic needed a system to create and manage their online proposals. CrownPeak delivered a complete proposal publishing and management system and trained their staff in its use in less than two weeks.

Download was looking for a way to easily manage all the disparate types of information coming from many sources into their centralized location. They required a truly user-friendly system that could handle the load of information while complementing their search-engine marketing strategy.


Old National Bank

Old National Bank uses CrownPeak SaaS CMS to efficiently publish new content to their site and Web Content Optimizer (WCO) to optimize their marketing campaigns and drive more customers through the online channel.



As part of a major business model shift, Skype needed to change the way it was selling communication hardware while at the same time executing on an international expansion plan. Using the CrownPeak CMS, Skype is now able to make major content and functional changes across more sites with more cost-efficiency.



Workforce was in dire need of a next-generation solution to manage and grow their content offerings, moving them away from their existing proprietary system. CrownPeak provided them with an extensible solution based on industry standards that they could rely on for unparalleled availability and functionality.


White Papers

On-Premise vs Cloud: The Impact of Cloud Computing on Web Content Management

This white paper introduces the key differences of on-premise versus cloud computing as it relates to web content management. It also discusses important considerations enterprise companies must consider when contemplating a move from on-premise, and compelling benefits of adopting a cloud web content management solution.


How To Be Successful in Mobile Content Management

Wondering how to tap into the mobile revolution? This white paper explains how you can leverage your web content for mobile distribution with a next-generation WCM to create a flexible, scalable, and interoperable mobile content management solution.


The Gartner Magic Quadrant Revisited for the Marketer

In this document, we offer an alternative analysis of the WCM market – one for the marketer. We still consider vendor size and track record, but we add factors like flexibility, growth and organizational focus into the analysis of vendor strength. Regarding product strength, we focus entirely on what matters to the marketer.



As one of the top web design and technology firms in Los Angeles, Imagistic needed a system to create and manage their online proposals. CrownPeak delivered a complete proposal publishing and management system and trained their staff in its use in less than two weeks.


What is Saas? And why do I care?

The focus of this document is to help digital marketers and technology managers understand the definition of SaaS, and eliminate preconceived objections about the benefits of a SaaS-based delivery model. The goal is to clarify what SaaS is and help the reader understand why not everything that is called SaaS meets the requirements of a true “software as a service” model.


The Role of Industry Analysts & Consultants in the Web Content Management Market

The roles of Analysts and Consultants are often considered one and the same in technology evaluation discussions. However, this is not the case; Analysts and Consultants serve different purposes, have different business models and interact with clients in completely different ways. In this paper we will discuss the value and results companies can expect from Analysts in regards to Web Content Management (WCM) solutions, and how this differs from working with Consultants.


Why Marketers Care About Web Content Management

As Digital Marketing has become increasingly important to the Marketer’s ability to drive sales and revenue, the content management tools enabling that digital content have failed to keep pace. Download this white paper to see how the right CMS can help your digital marketing team drive significant revenues for your organization.


How to Succeed in Shared Services for WCM

This white paper explains to CIOs how and why IT organizations using CrownPeak are enjoying unprecedented benefits such as agility, global scalability, and increased productivity, once promised but never delivered by last-generation WCM products like Interwoven, SharePoint, Tridion, and Vignette.


For IT Top 10 Questions to Ask Enterprise CMS Vendors

Are you in the market for a new Enterprise Content Management System? Here are 10 questions you should consider asking your CMS vendors to ensure you make the most informed decision.


The Business Case for Cloud Web Content Management

This whitepaper explains how CrownPeak's SaaS WCM helps the digital enterprise achieve higher ROI by enabling shorter sales cycles, faster time-to-market, and greater marginal revenues.


Business Case for a Web Content Management System

As one of the top web design and technology firms in Los Angeles, Imagistic needed a system to create and manage their online proposals. CrownPeak delivered a complete proposal publishing and management system and trained their staff in its use in less than two weeks.


SaaS: The Alternative for Web Content Management

With rapidly changing information, all websites require constant updates, as stale content simply isn’t useful to visitors. This paper explores how organizations can leverage the flexibility and ease of Software as a Service to manage their websites effortlessly and generate a true Return on Investment (ROI).


Survey of Web Content Management

Creating, editing and publishing website content is an ongoing challenge for any organization trying to make the most of limited budgets and resources. Independent databases of IT and marketing professionals were emailed and invited to participate in a web survey via Zoomerang to share their thoughts on web content management.


Risk in Content Management Implementations

Everything we endeavor to accomplish has risk associated with it. The relationship between risk and reward is a factor in virtually every decision we make, every decision we make rationally, that is. This white paper helps set your expectations on possible risks you might face during the implementation phase of your CMS.


The CrownPeak Online Marketing Suite

We appreciate your interest in the CrownPeak Online Marketing Suite. This white paper provides a website management guide for agencies to create value for their clients' online marketing programs.


Top Ten Tips for Your New Website Redesign

It's time to kick off that new website redesign that's so important to your organization. This white paper provides guidelines, tips, and trends that will make your redesign initiative successful.


Understanding CrownPeak CMS Security

This paper summarizes the security features and characteristics associated with CrownPeak’s CMS service. By enforcing security policies and procedures that reflect industry best practices, CrownPeak ensures the privacy, integrity, and availability of the CMS data center, network interfaces, servers, applications, and managed content.


Content Management: The Secret Weapon in Your Marketing Arsenal

Online marketing revolves around the web, and the web revolves around content, which means that the very core of any effort towards optimizing online marketing is quality content. Download this white paper to learn how a CMS can help you make the most out of your online marketing activities.


Content Management System Pocket Guide

If you've decided to embark on the journey to implement a content management system (CMS) for your Web site, we'd like to help. This detailed guide will help you determine what your expectations should be and offers invaluable insights to help you evaluate, implement and deploy the right content management system for your needs.


CrownPeak SaaS WCM for Financial Services

Choosing a web content management system requires due diligence for financial services organizations. This white paper can serve as a “field guide” on how to centralize and increase the effectiveness of your online marketing operations.


Building an Effective Web Presence with SaaS Web Content Management

CrownPeak SaaS Web Content Management is revolutionizing web content management for global companies by providing unprecedented speed to market and scalability. Download this white paper to learn how SaaS Web Content Management can help your organization achieve its e-business objectives more efficiently.


A CMS Can Raise Marketing and IT Synergy for SEO Success

While Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is becoming increasingly important, the webmaster and his or her army of technical personnel often fail to connect with the vision of the marketers. This white paper explains how a content management system (CMS) can help organizations strike the balance between the technical and business sides.


Business Case for a Web Content Management System

You’ve come to the point, as it is with many organizations, where you realize you have a problem managing content on your various Web properties. However, choosing a CMS can still be a perplexing affair, especially since there are a large number of options available. This white paper will help you make the business case for your new web content management system.


Open Source Is Not Free

A common misconception when looking at web content management software tools is that open source software will save time and money. This white paper addresses this misconception, and provides the basis for an “apples to apples” comparison of the real costs that any organization should consider when acquiring a solution to manage their websites.


Online Marketing is Content Marketing

This is the second of a three-part CrownPeak white paper exploring how content marketing is online marketing. In this series we present the new idea that web content marketing is the central, and most important, tenet of online marketing.


Replacing Your Web Content Management System

This white paper introduces the new dynamics of the web, covering when and how you should replace a CMS, with an emphasis on business goals throughout. It quickly walks through the process of evaluating a CMS and the various options available, before discussing issues of content migration, implementation and deployment. Finally, it suggests best practices for getting the most from your new system.


How Marketing Can Drive the Right Message with a CMS

Should a website, the single and most important market-facing touch point for any organization, be dependent on a few technical people who may or may not fully understand the strategic intent of the content? Download this white paper to learn how a CMS can help you deliver the right marketing message to your audience.


Leveraging Accurate Analysis for Better Content Management

Keeping today’s online consumers satisfied is a difficult task for corporate websites. One of the key aspects of meeting this requirement is to understand user behavior through gathering information about the way that visitors navigate through a website and the information they access.



Webinar: The ROI of Content Marketing, June 26, 2013

Content Marketing can be the driving force behind the success of an online marketing strategy. In this webinar, attendees will learn best practices around device and location specific content strategies, multi-channel integrated approach to content marketing, personalization, targeting, and content analytics.


Webinar: Personalization, May 29, 2013

Using technology to dynamically adjust content is the key to visitor engagement and conversion. Personalization can be a very powerful tool if done properly. Watch this webinar to learn about the types of data available for personalization, how to use implicit data to deliver unique content, and best practices in applying personalization to a website experience.


Webinar: Localization, April 25, 2013

Localization involves much more than translating copy into a local language. Digital marketers understand that Localization is a broader and much more strategic topic. It includes modifying images, offers, products, and other content so it is culturally relevant to your target audience. You can localize for a specific region, country, language or even a city. Localization can be a very powerful tool if you know how to use it properly. Learn how in this webinar with CrownPeak CEO, Jim Howard.


Webinar: You & Your Agency, March 7, 2013

You and Your Agency: Move Fast, and Rock Your Digital Campaigns Using Agile Marketing Tactics with Your Agency. Digital has sped everything up. Now, you need to adjust everything, from planning to approach, from responsibilities to expectations, from the tools you use, to the agencies you work with. Learn how to improve the speed of thinking, create clearer understanding between you and your agency, encourage action among the team, jointly develop projects, end turf wars and more.


Webinar: Using Mobile Optimized Content, January 24, 2013

2013 can be the year you make your mobile strategy a reality. Most companies are very new to mobile and don't really know what they need. If this sounds like you and your company, then join us for a discussion about how you can make small changes and get big results for your mobile optimized website. It doesn't take a lot of resources or budget to begin to deliver a better experience for your mobile visitors.


Webinar: ROI for Web Content Management, December 19, 2012

Gartner predicts that CMOs will buy more technology than CIOs by 2017 – this is driven by the strategic imperative of successful digital marketing. WCM enables 5 of the top 10 digital marketing processes: social, mobile, and inbound/event-triggered marketing, localization and market asset management. Digital marketers understand the value of being able to create, manage and leverage digital content across multiple platforms, channels, and languages. They also understand that WCM makes all this happen. But, proving the ROI of WCM can be challenging. Not any more. In this webinar, attendees will learn the key to proving web content management ROI including: The business impact of digital marketing, the role of web content management in the top 5 marketing processes, and ROI drivers enabled by WCM.


Webinar: Best Practices in Content Marketing, November 15, 2012

Content marketing connects the dots between awareness and lead generation. Great content in the form of e-books, white papers, videos and such help move prospects through the marketing funnel until they are ready to become real, live customers. The strategy behind content marketing is the idea that providing customers with the right information at the right time during the relationship will help drive the "right" behavior. In this case it usually means buying our products or services. Watch this webinar to learn about device and location specific content strategies and multi-channel integrated approaches to content marketing.


Webinar: Best Practices in Website Personalization, October 11, 2012

Personalization technology enables the dynamic insertion, customization or suggestion of content. It is one of the most powerful tools around for optimizing a website experience...but only if you know how to do it really well. In this recorded webinar, hosted by Jim Howard CEO of CrownPeak, you will learn to apply best practices to the different types of personalization techniques.


"The Faces of Cloud WCM" featuring Manali Patel, January 20, 2011

Manali Patel, a Fortune 500 Web Solutions Consultant, shares her experience and thoughts on Cloud Web Content Management versus legacy on-premise (installed) CMS solutions.


The Future is Mobile: How to Integrate Mobile Channels into Your Web Content Management Strategy

Mobile changes the game. It makes speed to market a fundamental requirement for all digital marketers. In this webinar, attendees will learn the best practices around applying different use cases to mobile strategy, designing for mobile and desktop experience, and leveraging content across multiple channels.
