Digital Marketing

Complete Control Over the Digital Experience Layer

The CrownPeak SaaS-based architecture separates the marketing-driven elements that drive the digital experience into their own contained and manageable layer, called the Digital Experience Layer. The Digital Experience Layer consists of marketing content, look and feel, personalization, localization and mobile optimization. CrownPeak enables marketers to directly control and manage the Digital Experience Layer while keeping the functionality independent from core business functions.

Put marketers in control

CrownPeak’s Digital Experience Layer can create independent sites or landing pages, and can also “wrap” an experience (content, look and feel, localization, personalization, etc.) around core business functions (e-commerce, support, look-up, quotes, etc.) whether they are run by IT or by third-party providers.

The Digital Experience Layer can operate alongside an existing CMS, enabling marketers to directly update sites with entrenched legacy platforms instead of running projects through IT.

Benefit from separation

The Digital Experience layer frees up IT resources to be able to manage and maintain the organization's core line of business applications, according to their own process and governance needs, without having to worry about incorporation of fast-changing marketing content and the constant pressure of rapid release cycles.

  • Eliminating content and layout from the software development lifecycle allows fast and flexible marketing
  • Application development is simpler with the burden of acting as a marketing content container
  • Developers can focus on high-value core functionality
  • Content and layout may be delivered rapidly around the globe from a highly distributed server and CDN infrastructure

“These guys are years ahead of their competition.”

CEO, Regional “Super Agency”

Skin IT functions

A number of the largest insurance companies in the world use the CrownPeak Platform to wrap marketing content around their insurance quoting, e-commerce and user-self-help systems. This capability allows for unique “content mash-ups” that merge streams of content into an integrated online experience by combining content from e-commerce, CRM, and other CMS platforms.

CrownPeak enables these companies to integrate core business functions into the digital experience by providing wrappers for different regions, audiences, channels and product lines. IT continues to own all of the core business application functions, but marketing now owns and drives the content and digital experience.